MIKAL Salon and Spa Management Ideas

MIKAL Salon and Spa Management Ideas

Friday, January 08, 2010

Four Top Things to Start RIGHT NOW in 2010

I know we all have resolutions and goals for each year. I just finished mine. But we need to make a commitment to 4 activities now for 2010 to make sure the year is a success for us and our businesses.

First activity: do something to market your business every day. An e-mail blast, a mailing, a new flyer, a new contact call, and do it early in the day to get it done.

Second activity: reduce your activity. That's right. Check your e-mails 3 times a day, not every 10 minutes. Don't lead salespeople on. If they can't tell you how they can help your business in 2 minutes (and give them the 2 minutes) tell them you are not interested. Take every phone call, let nothing go to voice mail, and if the idea or product doesn't fit your business tell them thanks but no thanks. Keep your focus.

Third activity: every week find one way to cut costs, waste, or spending. Get your staff to help. Keep a list of the reductions. If they are big enough give some of the savings to the staff with a pizza party, company shirts, or just a big thank you.

Fourth activity: at the end of each week review your progress on the other 3 activities and at the beginning of each week recommit to the three activities.

Have a productive and profitable 2010! Fred