MIKAL Salon and Spa Management Ideas

MIKAL Salon and Spa Management Ideas

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Your Salon Management I.Q.

Salon and Spa Performance Tracking: Are you getting the numbers you need out of your current system? Times are changing and the numbers we need to track are changing too. You need to look at new metrics including product sales per client, true retention rates over multiple visits (not the request percentage), retail to service sales ratios, dollars per hour and dollars per client and much more. Plus the information needs to be easy to read, communicate, and get to! Check out the kind of information you can get out of your MIKAL systems. It will amaze you. Does your present system give you………….. 1. At a glance (one click) to see daily sales real time, booking activity, easy to read bar charts and graphs, and 15 other metrics? 2. From any web enabled device can you see sales to the minute and analysis information? Can you get automatic e-mails on day end sales, staff time clock information, and even alerts when a client file is deleted or modified? 3. Do you know your percentage and average ticket for female clients, the number of clients you do not have an e-mail address for, and your most popular zip codes? 4. Do you track average ticket trends for each product and service category over time to make sure you average ticket is growing? 5. Do you look at the new customer and repeat customer retention reports to track retention over 5 client visits? Do you also track who comes back but to different service providers? 6. Do you set goals for each service department and generate the evaluation reports comparing sales to goals? Do you track sales to goals per square foot and per department? 7. Do you have an incentive program for each department manager for achieving goals in their department? Does your system give you reports on the goal achievement and interface with your payroll system? 8. Are you tracking the gift cards and gift certificate sales apart from service and retail sales? 9. Are you using the integrated accounting system to get detailed Profit and Loss statements easily and quickly at month end? Month end means at the end of the month, not weeks later! 10. Do you have budget amounts set up in your accounting system to help direct and control expenses? Do you get budget to actual reports and comparisons to last year? 11. Do you print the paychecks automatically from the system? 12. Have you tied the purchase orders to the vendor invoicing for easy accounts payable and vendor payments? We can help you get a perspective on your business. Start working on your business and not just in your business with MIKAL. Call us for more details at 513-528-5100 or 800-448-5420. The MIKAL Corporation www.mikal.com sales@mikal.com 513-528-5100 800-448-5420

Camp MIKAL welcomes Kline Group for amazing analytics

CAMP NEWS: MIKAL has teamed up with Kline, a statistics company, to provide detailed sales analysis and industry trends for our salons and spas. You will be able to share your information in a secure manner and get back accumulated industry trends - at no cost to you! Learn about this amazing program at Camp MIKAL and sign up for the Kline analytics for FREE! Kline representatives will attend the classes and breakout sessions, have one-on-one meetings with you and create powerful analysis reporting. See the attached schedule and registration form for Camp MIKAL 2012. You will get 16 classes, 4 breakout sessions, one-on-one resource room help, 4 meals, 2 networking events, detailed Camp Manual, bonus CD and a $100 certificate for MIKAL software options! Don't delay space is limited for this once a year event. Camp MIKAL Sept. 8-10 2012 Call MIKAL for details 513-528-5100 www.mikal.com

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

We sell a point of sale system to beauty salons and dayspas and Back to School is BIG for them. I'm going to blast the link to this out to our salon clients. A few other ideas readers might like that our salons use include a pick a prize table for the kids who come in for their back to school haircuts. They can pick an item (school supply) from the prize table. Also our salons do an e-mail blast out to all students and moms in their MIKAL salon managment database with special pricing on student cuts during non-prime time hours (like 9am-3pm Mon thru Fri) till school starts. Also having an I-Pad give away to all kids getting a back to school cut in August or September and this is a great way to get e-mail/text numbers since that is how the winner is notified. The other thing our salons get involved in is free haircuts for the kids when mom (or dad) comes in. This generates new clients without discounting the adult services. Don't forget shrink wrapped products for the students going back to school (college) needing product for the dorm or apartment. People need to look at their business and figure out some strong promotions. Don't just let the big chains make money off back to school!

Thursday, August 02, 2012

MIKAL Salon and Spa Fall Shows 2012

See us at the following Beaty Salon and Spa shows this fall: August 26-27 Worlds Fair Armstrong McCall Distributor Austin Tx Convention Center Booth and classes Sept 8-10 Camp MIKAL MIKAL Corp Cincinnati Doubletree Hotel Client Seminar Sept 23-24 Chicago Chicago John Amico and JA Products Chicago Il Booth and Classes Oct 7-8 Beauty Classic Premiere Beauty Systems Columbus Oh conv cntr Booth and Classes Oct 21-22 Premiere Birmingham Premiere Beauty Shows Birmingham Al Conv cntr Booth and classes Nov 3-5 Midwest internatl expo Midwest Beauty Show Rosemont Il Conv cntr Booth and classes