MIKAL Salon and Spa Management Ideas

MIKAL Salon and Spa Management Ideas

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Go wireless in the salon/spa for better client service and the environment

Enjoy FREEDOM in your salon/spa with the MIKAL CyberPreceptionist Tablet App. Combine the mobility of the new Win 8.1 tablets (not RT) with the Award Winning MIKAL Tablet App. Check in customers in seconds, book future appointments at your station, run digital ads for your salon and update client information from anywhere in your salon/spa. See the RSPA and VSR Innovative Award Winner - the MIKAL Tablet CyberPreceptionist App! CTRL + Click to see the video or copy and past into your web browser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boVIh3D-MuM Save over $100 on the packages and even more on the terminal licenses! Specials good for April 2014 Call us today for special pricing and set up details. Reduce lines at the front desk, get your client files cleaned up, market more effectively, and increase pre-booked appointments. The MIKAL CyberPreceptionist Tablet App. 513-528-5100 sales@mikal.com